Conference Submissions

The theme of the 15th Biennial ISSS Conference / Seed Ecology VIII is “Synergies in Seed Science”, reflecting the objective of the Conference to enrich the connections between the different disciplines of seed science and the seed community.

The venue provides for a plenary session room and a breakout room for a parallel session aligned to specific themes or topics. Additional meeting rooms for workshops are also available.

The Conference scientific program will run over four days, with an additional day of field tours mid-week.

The themes of the scientific program are organised around the lifecycle of seeds and their utilisation, and the program includes all facets of the science of seeds and their use.

Submissions for oral presentations (15 minutes duration) and posters on genetic, molecular, physiological, and ecological perspectives, including trait-based approaches, are welcome within all themes. Contributions with an end-user focus from across the seed sector including seed technologists, restoration and conservation practitioners, and native seed and agricultural industries are also encouraged.

The Conference will also offer up to six travel grants of £300 to support student members of the ISSS. Authors must nominate during the submission process to be considered for the ISSS Student Travel Grant.

Submission Instructions

Please carefully read the following instructions before submitting your abstract.

Submission Portal

Create an account to submit your abstract via the evexus submission portal.

The Conference program will be accepting submissions under the following themes:


  • Seed Developmental Biology – The genetic and molecular mechanisms and processes that govern seed development and maturation and their influence on seed quality traits, the biochemical changes that occur as seeds mature, and the impacts of environmental factors on these processes and the phenology of seed development.
  • Seed Dispersal and Predation – The mechanisms and strategies plants employ to disperse their seeds, the interactions between seeds and their predators including the various defence mechanisms of seeds, and the consequences of seed predation on seed survival and plant population dynamics.
  • Seed Banks and Soil Seed Bank Dynamics – The dynamics of seed persistence within canopy and soil seed banks, the composition of seed banks and their role in seedling establishment, and the science and practice of disturbance ecology and management including fire and weeds.
  • Seed Dormancy and Germination – The mechanisms that regulate both dormancy and germination, the biochemistry, physiology, and ecology of dormancy and germination, and how seeds sense and respond to environmental cues to control germination timing.
  • Seed Conservation and Gene Bank Management (co-organised with the International Seed Testing Association) – The mechanisms and physiology of seed longevity including desiccation tolerance and storage behaviour, and seed stress tolerance and mechanisms of ageing and repair. Additionally, this theme covers new methods for seed quality and viability testing, gene bank data management and curation, and the ex situ conservation tools essential for conserving the genetic diversity of agricultural and wild plant species.
  • Seeds and Society: Utilisation and Policy – The intersection of seeds with societal needs including seed production systems and the utilisation of seeds in agricultural and horticultural applications, native seed supply chains and seed technologies and their role in supporting ecological restoration, the importance of seeds to climate resilience and adaptation, and the applications of big data acquisition and analytics to seed science and utilisation. This theme also emphasizes the value of community seed systems and Traditional Ecological Knowledge in the stewardship of seed resources, as well as the legal and ethical policy frameworks surrounding access and benefit-sharing agreements and the regulation of seed exchange.
Abstract Submission Guidelines

Please carefully read the following guidelines to ensure that you have submitted your abstract correctly:

  • Abstracts must not exceed a 300-word limit. The word limit relates only to the text of the abstract and does not include title, authors and institutions.
  • Include the title of the abstract in lowercase letters (Arial, Bold, Font 12).
  • Format authors’ names correctly (Arial, Font 11, with the presenting author underlined). Include the affiliations and corresponding details for each author (Arial, Font 11).
  • Use single line spacing.
  • Please do not include paragraph headings such as aims, materials & methods, results, etc.
  • Please do not include references in your abstract.
  • No tables, figures or images are allowed.
  • Abstract(s) must be free of typographical and grammatical errors.
  • Standard abbreviations may be used for common terms only. Otherwise, any abbreviation should be given in brackets after the first full use of the word. Abbreviations may be used in the title, provided the name in full is outlined in the body of the abstract.
  • Please include degrees or professional titles (e.g. Dr, Prof., etc).
  • You will be required to provide the names, affiliations and emails of all co-authors of the abstract.
  • Presenters must disclose any potential conflict of interest.
  • You will be asked to provide a short biography (up to 150 words) with your submission.
  • You will be asked to nominate your preference for oral or poster presentation.
  • It is the author’s responsibility to ensure the title, author and affiliation details entered in the paper submission site are correct and exactly as they should be published on the abstract and all Conference materials.
  • The abstract should be a summary of the whole paper, briefly outlining the key features, results, and conclusions of the work together with their significance.
  • Authors are requested to indicate the conference theme that their abstract relates to.
  • Authors are entered separately within the abstract submission portal and will format automatically to the required standard.
    NOTE: The order of the authors entered in the portal will be reflected in final publications.
General Policies and Requirements
  • The presenting author will be required to register for the Conference to ensure their submission(s) is included in the final program. The deadline for presenting author registration is 31 March 2025.
  • All submissions must be completed electronically via the online submission facility.
  • All abstracts must be prepared according to the guidelines provided. Submissions will only be accepted if submitted within the format and layout guidelines.
  • There is no limit to the number of abstracts that may be submitted by an individual. However, splitting of a body of work into multiple abstracts is discouraged and consolidation into one abstract is preferred. In addition, a maximum of one oral presentation may be allocated to an accepted author.
  • Authors are required to acknowledge that by submitting an abstract, permission is automatically given for the abstract (if accepted) to be made available on the website and via the app, and possibly published more broadly.

If you encounter difficulties accessing the submission portal, such as firewall restrictions, consider trying the following solutions:

  • Access the portal on a desktop, as it is not optimised for small mobile devices.
  • Use a different browser; the portal works best with Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge.
  • Connect to a different network, such as your personal internet connection. Organisation firewalls often block access, but switching to a non-workplace network typically resolves this issue.

Should the above suggestions not resolve your access issue, please contact the Conference Organisers at


Delegates may also propose workshops of 1-2 hours duration focussed on specific topics or challenges in the science and utilisation of seeds. Workshops may be comprised of small sessions of group participation and discussion, led by one or two facilitators, that aim to address specific challenges, or gaps in research, knowledge or practice. They may identify future research agendas or areas for collaboration including joint papers or other research activities.

Organisers will have flexibility to structure the workshop as appropriate to their goals. However, the Conference Organising Committee will determine the maximum number of workshops and attendees at each, and other details that may have financial or logistical implications. Workshops will be open to all attendees on a first-come, first-serve basis and will not require pre-registration. Workshops will be held concurrently with regular conference session(s).

Workshop proposals detailing the organiser(s) and a summary of the proposed topics and goals may be submitted in the form of a 300 word abstract directly to the Conference Organisers for further discussion at